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Posts Tagged ‘google’

Google Plus

Heard of Google Plus? If you’re still a bit puzzled about it, then read on. Google Plus is the newest Social Networking Site that has been launched by Google and they introduced it not as product but a project.  Its platform is similar to Facebook, however, it doesn’t intend to replace Facebook’s fame as it is only created as a means to ease the communication to circle of friends and close relatives. Facebook is indeed unbeatable and it cannot be put into question, however, Google Plus offers a much more exciting features and tweaks that can benefit the webmasters and those who have online businesses.

Google Plus can be seen as a hybrid of LinkedIn as well as Facebook. It balances both professionalism and privacy, which can be very helpful for people wanting to connect to several buddies, but are very particular on controlling confidential information and activities. This is a perfect networking site for high profile users but can be very complicated to use for average users, especially those who are used to Facebook and Twitter.