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"I was amazed at how quickly SearchRight were able to achieve a 1st-page ranking for my site. It's clear that they know their trade exceptionally well. I would recommend their services to anyone looking to improve their business' performance. The best marketing investment we ever made !"

Archive for the ‘Google’ Category

Google have decided to pull the plug on Google Wave this week sighting the lack of user participation. Google wave is supposed to be the technology that will eventually replace email but due to its complexity and fully loaded features, it somehow turned people off. Most user opted to the simpler Gmail and its other features. I personally only used it twice after getting an invitation last November, it just doesn’t interest me at all, my time is better spent somewhere else, that’s just my own opinion. What do you think of it?

Have you used Google wave? Do you think Google pull the plug too early and never given it more chance ?